What are Superfoods + Do We Really Need Them?


Superfoods have been trendy for some time now, but what are they really + do we really need them? I often wonder the same thing, especially when I’m adding superfood powder to a smoothie + it has sweetener in it. I’m always like what’s worse: adding sugar or not having the superfoods. Six in one, half dozen in the other, right?

So I brought my friend Emily Sowski on, to share her expertise on this very subject. She’s so well informed. She’s a certified, holistic wellness coach + has her own line of superfood powders. She’s also just a beautiful ecobabe inside + out. So without further ado, take it away Ems! Get ready to learn a little something :)




From maca to acai, it seems everyone is buzzing about superfoods and superfood powders  – but what exactly are these nutritional powerhouses?

Superfood powders are the powdered form of nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, grasses, algae, and mushrooms that are incredibly high in a variety of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants. Small but mighty, superfoods reduce signs of aging, increase energy, boost metabolism, fight free radicals, combat inflammation, and much much more. Which is why the list of superfood benefits is never-ending…



Due to our current S.A.D. (standard American diet), 90% of the American population eats far too little fruit and vegetables - meaning they are not consuming enough vitamins and minerals (also called micronutrients) on a daily basis. We over consume processed food, packaged goods, hydrogenated oils, and conventional meat, dairy, and eggs, which leads to micronutrient deficiencies. Micronutrient deficiency is the center of heart disease, obesity, fatigue, autoimmune disorders, high blood pressure, and almost every health ailment you could imagine.  Adding nutrient-rich superfoods to a well rounded, whole-food diet significantly helps increase your intake of vitamins and minerals to help you achieve optimal health. 



Buying high-quality, organic superfood blends that are 100% free from any additives, fillers, sugars, stevia, soy, or “natural” flavors is EXTREMELY rare, which is why I created  U Choose Superfoods. As a certified holistic wellness coach, I wanted to provide people with potent superfood powder blends that were sourced from only the highest quality organic ingredients and did not contain any JUNK! Simply put: Every blend only contains miracle-working superfoods, no nasty ingredients! I’ve also developed 5 different blends for added benefits, like a little extra energy or a collagen boost.



My favorite way to consume these magical superfoods is by adding a scoop of my powder into a morning, plant-based protein smoothie. I switch it up between the Energy Blend, Greens Blend, and Beauty Blend, based on how I am feeling that day.

Because none of my blends have added sugar or “natural” sugars like stevia and monk fruit (which wreak havoc on your gut microbiome), I sweeten them with banana, raw honey, or dates to my liking each day! To top it off, I sprinkle in some berries and drizzle my Cinnamon Superfood Almond Butter (which hardens to make a magic shell) on top! You can also experiment by adding a scoop of superfoods to chia puddings, desserts, soups or oatmeal! The options are endless on how to incorporate superfoods into your daily regime. You can check out more recipe ideas here!


And there you have it, Babes! I don’t know about you, but I’m DEF adding more superfoods to my diet. Between all of those anti-aging, inflammation reducing + disease fighting powers, no wonder they’re called SUPERfoods. They’ve got superPOWERS!


One of you babes will win whichever U Choose Blend you’d like!! YAY!! I’m so excited that you’ll get to try one of these amazing blends, on the house!! All you have to do is:

  1. Comment below about why you’d like to win 👇🏼

  2. Follow U Choose on social

  3. Make sure you’re following ecobabe on social

  4. Extra entries for tagging your babes here on the ecobabe social

That’s it! Winner will be chosen in one week on 8/29. Goodluck!!!

✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️

Thank you so much to Emily for sharing her superfood wisdom + thank you to YOU babes for being here! Please ask us any questions you may have below (or on social) + remember: your health is your wealth.

Talk soon X


+ + For my glowing green smoothie recipe (just add your superfood powder), go here
+ + For more healthy recipes + diet tips, go here